Dr. Jesse McLaren
HEARTS Approach Developer
Course Co-founder
Lead Facilitator
Dr. Jesse McLaren is an emergency physician and Assistant Professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine. He has written the ECG Cases blog for Emergency Medicine Cases since 2019 and been an associate editor of Dr. Smith’s ECG Blog since 2022. He tweets @ECGcases. He is passionate about learning/teaching ECGs, and the paradigm shift from STEMI to Occlusion MI.

Dr. Mazen El-Baba
Course Co-founder
Lead Facilitator
Dr. Mazen El-Baba is an emergency medicine resident physician and an avid ECG enthusiast. He is passionate about making ECG learning an enjoyable experience to all learners. He believes that the HEARTS approach to ECG interpretation should be the standard in medical education. To that effect, he has worked on developing a standardized ECG teaching in medical school curricula and residency programs. He has multiple ECG related publications in education and quality improvement.
Dr. Anton Helman
Educational Consultant
Dr. Anton Helman is an Emergency Physician at North York General in Toronto. He is an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto, Division of Emergency Medicine and the Education Innovation Lead at the Schwartz-Reisman Emergency Medicine Institute. He is the founder, host and chief editor of Emergency Medicine Cases.

Select Publications
1. El-Baba, M., McLaren, J., & Argintaru, N. (2023). The HEARTS ECG workshop: a novel approach to resident and student ECG education. International Journal of Emergency Medicine, 16(1), 81.
2. McLaren J, Smith SW. A Bayesian approach to acute coronary occlusion. J
Electrocardiol 2023
3. McLaren J, Meyers HP, Smith SW, Chartier LB. Emergency department Code
STEMI patients with initial ECG labeled ‘normal’ by computer interpretation: a
7-year retrospective review. Acad Emerg Med 2023 Aug 24
4. McLaren J, El-Baba M, Sivashanmugathas V, Meyers HP, Smith SW, Chartier
LB. Missing occlusions: quality gaps for ED patients with Occlusion MI. Am J
Emerg Med 2023 Aug 15
5. McLaren J, Meyers HP, Smith S. Chest pain, paced rhythm, and two missed
indications for emergent reperfusion. JAMA Int Med 2023 April 3
6. McLaren J, Meyers HP, Smith S, Chartier L. From STEMI to Occlusion MI:
paradigm shift and ED quality improvement. CJEM 2021 Dec 30;24:250-255
7. McLaren J, Taher A, Kapoor M, Yi S, Chartier L. Sharing and Teaching ECGs
to Minimize Infarction (STEMI): reducing diagnostic time for acute coronary
occlusion in the emergency department. American Journal of Emergency
Medicine 2021 Oct, 45:18-32
8. McLaren J, Kapoor M, Yi S, Chartier L. Using ECG-to-activation time to assess
emergency physicians’ diagnostic time for acute coronary occlusion. Journal of
Emergency Medicine 2021 Jan;60(1):25-34