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HEARTS Courses

We have 5 courses each specifically designed for your training and
practice, which can be offered online or in person. See the registration page for
upcoming courses, or contact to organize a local

Doctor's Desk

HEARTS Student: introduction to ECG interpretation

Intended audience: medical, nursing or paramedic students

  1. Understand ECG lead placement and pathophysiological correlation

  2. Learn a simple but systematic approach to 12-lead ECG interpretation

  3. Practice with a variety of real cases


  1. Pre-course preparation: you will receive the HEARTS Student handbook a weekbefore the course to help  prepare, along with an anonymous pre-course self-

  2. Course participation: the course is live and highly interactive, with small group discussion to maximize participation and questions. Everyone will be given equal opportunity to participate in a safe learning environment, and the course is not
    3. Post-course evaluation: after the course you will receive a post-course self-
    assessment and answer key to consolidate your knowledge, and course survey
    to provide feedback

HEARTS Tech: ECG interpretation for cardiology technologists

Intended audience: cardiology technologists

  1. Learn a systematic approach to ECG interpretation with key differentials

  2. Identify common computer (and physician) interpretation errors

  3. Practice with real cases from a range of clinic and hospital cases


  1. Pre-course preparation: you will receive the HEARTS Tech handbook a week
    before the course to help prepare, along with an anonymous pre-course self-

  2. Course participation: the course is live and highly interactive, with small group
    discussion to maximize participation and questions. Everyone will be given equal
    opportunity to participate in a safe learning environment, and the course is not

  3. Post-course evaluation: after the course you will receive a post-course self-
    assessment and answer key to consolidate your knowledge, and course survey
    to provide feedback

Image by Robina Weermeijer

HEARTS Resident: from ECG interpretation to EM management

Intended audience: medical resident or practicing physicians

  1. Learn a systematic approach to ECG interpretation with key differentials

  2. Understand how to apply ECG interpretation to a range of chief complaints

  3. Practice with real cases with a variety of emergencies


  1. Pre-course preparation: you will receive the HEARTS Resident handbook a week before the course to help prepare, along with an anonymous pre-course self-assessment

  2. Course participation: the course is live and highly interactive, with small group discussion to maximize participation and questions. Everyone will be given equal opportunity to participate in a safe learning environment, and the course is not recorded
    3. Post-course evaluation: after the course you will receive a post-course self- assessment and answer key to consolidate your knowledge, and course survey to provide feedback

Image by Erik Mclean

HEARTS EMS: ECG essentials for paramedics

Intended audience: practicing paramedics

  1. Learn a systematic approach to ECG interpretation with key differentials

  2. Understand how to apply ECG interpretation to a range of chief complaints

  3. Practice with real pre-hospital cases with a variety of emergencies


  1. 1. Pre-course preparation: you will receive the HEARTS EMS handbook a week before the course to help prepare, along with an anonymous pre-course self-assessment

  2. Course participation: the course is live and highly interactive, with small group discussion to maximize participation and questions. Everyone will be given equal opportunity to participate in a safe learning environment, and the course is not recorded

  3. Post-course evaluation: after the course you will receive a post-course self-assessment and answer key to consolidate your knowledge, and course survey to provide feedback

Image by Erik Mclean
Image by Online Marketing
Image by Tim Cooper

HEARTS Advanced: ECG interpretation for Occlusion MI

Intended audience: practicing physicians, or senior residents or paramedics with good ECG knowledge (e.g., after HEARTS Resident or HEARTS EMS)

  1. Understand how to interpret ST/T changes using a systematic approach

  2. Learn evidence-based criteria to identify false positive STEMI and subtle occlusions

  3. Practice with real cases including false positive STEMI, subtle occlusions, and other high yield ECGs


  1. Pre-course preparation: you will receive the HEARTS Advanced handbook a week before the course to help prepare, along with an anonymous pre-course

  2. Course participation: the course is live and highly interactive, with small group discussion to maximize participation and questions. Everyone will be given equal
    opportunity to participate in a safe learning environment, and the course is not recorded

  3. Post-course evaluation: after the course you will receive a post-course self-assessment and answer key to consolidate your knowledge, and course survey to provide feedback

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